Songs and Games
Songs and Games

Large Group Games

The Prui is a gentle, friendly creature that grows. All girls mill about with their eyes closed. When you bump into someone, ask "Prui?" If the other girl answers "Prui?" you have not found the Prui. The referee whispers Prui to one of the players. Since the Prui can see but cannot talk, that player opens her eyes. When someone bumps into her and asks "Prui?" she does not answer; they have found the Prui! That player must find the end of the Prui so she can join it. She may open her eyes once she joins hands with the last person of the Prui. The line of girls will become long and it may take some time for the last players to find the end and become part of the Prui.
Rain Makers
Create a rainstorm! Explain that everyone must follow the leader if they are to make a good rain storm. The leader needs the girls to sit down in a circle. The leader will walk around the inside of the circle. As she passes by each person, they should do what she does until she passes by again. The rainstorm will build up, then die back down. The motions are: 1. Rubbing palms forward/backward motion; slowly/softly 2. Rubbing palms forward/backward motion; louder/faster. 3. Snapping fingers - slowly / softly 4. Snapping fingers - more loudly / swiftly 5. Slapping thighs - slow / softly 6. Slapping thighs more loudly / swiftly 7. Slapping thighs - slow / softly 8. Snapping fingers - more loudly / swiftly 9. Snapping fingers - slowly / softly 10. Rubbing palms forward/backward motion; louder/faster. 11. Rubbing palms forward/backward motion; slowly/softly 12. SILENCE