Leadership (all levels) – Girls practice leadership skills appropriate for your Girl Scout level by creating a new solution to the root cause of your issue, connecting with experts on this issue, and leading a team to implement your solution.
Root Cause (all levels) – Girls move beyond simply observing an issue and addressing the immediate need, to exploring why that issue is happening. There are often many root causes to an issue; girls are tasked with choosing one to impact with their project.
Sustainability (Juniors and above) – Girls develop a long-lasting solution to the root cause of their issue that will continue beyond their involvement in the project.
Measurability (Cadettes and above) – Girls examine how they know their project has made a difference to the root cause of their issue. How can they measure that difference?
National and/or Global Link (Cadettes and above) – Girls explore the ways their project contributes to, aligns with, and/or expands other efforts on the issue in the local, national, and/or global community.